Overhead Conveyor for PAINTING LINE
Niko overhead rail conveyors are a flexible, economical solution for loads up to 3200 kg/ 7000 Lb. They are ideal for tight spaces and minimal footprint.
This type of conveyor is the perfect product for the transition from a floor-mounted paint line to an ergonomic rail-mounted line. It enables batch or continuous production with the advantages of “power and free”, i.e. the ability to include buffer zones, manual or motorized conveyor sections. Ergonomic conveyors make it easy to vary throughput by adding or removing workers, unlike a continuous conveyor system where a worker must be present at each station to operate it.
This type of system limits contact with parts, for less paint touch-up. Several parts can be hung on the same bar simultaneously for optimum efficiency. Storage areas can be added, for drying or holding parts until they are used, thus freeing up the conveyor. The system can also convey painted parts to assembly.
Product Advantages :
Fluid movement
Uses less ground surface
Modular and adaptable (can be extended or moved easily)
Travel path adapted to the need
Easy maintenance
Applications :
Stainless steel
Storage areas
Lifting unit
High or low temperature
Sealed bearings
Accessories :
Pneumatic switches
Magnetic switches
Manual switches
Rotating table
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